A powerful cleaner for all outdoor gear and equipment.
Grangers' Tent + Gear Cleaner is a sponge-on cleaner designed to clean dirt, dust, pollen and all other performance-impairing impurities from outdoor gear.
Over time, and with prolonged use, even the best outdoor gear will begin to lose its ability to repel water. That's because residues and impurities that settle on your gear all absorb water. As your equipment gets dirtier, the more water it absorbs, leaving it much more likely to leak...
Fortunately, Grangers' Tent + Gear Cleaner can help. By removing the surface dirt from outdoor fabrics, any water-repellent treatments present will be able to work as intended. Any gear or equipment that lacks a protective water-repellent finish can also benefit from being cleaned; any future waterproofing treatments will be much more effective if applied to a residue-free surface. In short, by ensuring your gear remains clean, it will look better, last longer and perform at its best - whatever the weather.
Grangers' Tent + Gear Cleaner is suitable for use on all outdoor gear and equipment and is the ideal way to prepare articles for fresh water-repellent treatments.
•Wet the fabric surface.
•Pour 100ml (1 cap) into 5 litres of water.
•Rub into areas requiring treatment using sponge or soft brush.
•Rinse fabric surface.
•Allow to dry fully before use.
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